
Three Stocks to Trade Like the Billionaires

By: Keith Kaplan

Apr 09, 2021 | Investing Strategies

On Thursday, I told you a unique way to invest like Warren Buffett. You know the Oracle of Omaha. You know the $100 million fortune he amassed. And you know the Woodstock of Capitalism will happen in May. You might not know that TradeSmith lets you invest like many other billionaires who have amassed their fortunes – in far less…

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Own Warren Buffett’s Portfolio For 85 Cents on the Dollar

By: Keith Kaplan

Apr 08, 2021 | Investing Strategies

Who doesn’t want to invest like Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway? From humble beginnings, Buffett – the Oracle of Omaha – has amassed a fortune north of $100 billion. It might’ve been slow and steady, but his long-term strategy won the race. Many of the world’s top managers imitate his strategies down to individual stocks. In the last…

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A Little Bank You’ve Never Heard Of Just Moved into Our Green Zone

By: Keith Kaplan

Apr 07, 2021 | Investing Strategies

Editor’s Note: Yesterday we promised to include an entertainment stock pick that we expect to do well in the larger U.S. reopening. However, that recommendation is not quite ready. We will bring it to you soon, and we apologize for the delay. Want real trading ideas that you can’t find anywhere else? Try this tiny bank that just moved into…

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You Can Still Beat the Big Money into Cryptos

By: TradeSmith Research Team

Apr 02, 2021 | Investing Strategies

Editor’s Note: The markets are closed for Good Friday, and we will return on Monday. Our good friends at InvestorPlace have some excellent research on altcoins that we think you will find interesting. Without further ado, here is Matt McCall. –JCL Upon hearing the news that Thomas Edison was working on an electric light bulb, a committee in Britain’s Parliament…

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Big Changes are Coming to TradeSmith Daily

By: Justice Clark Litle

Apr 01, 2021 | Investing Strategies

A new day is dawning for TradeSmith Daily. Big changes are coming. If you’ve come to enjoy and appreciate the TradeSmith Daily format, the changes won’t be what you’re used to. But change can be a great thing — especially at the start of an exciting new chapter. Starting soon, all TradeSmith Daily broadcasts will be written in the Japanese…

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The Portnoy-Endorsed Social Media ETF is a Laughably Bad Idea

By: Justice Clark Litle

Mar 04, 2021 | Investing Strategies

You can’t make this stuff up. On Feb. 23, TradeSmith Daily said the following: As we have explained repeatedly in these pages, the case for Buzz Lightyear valuations — “To infinity and beyond!” — is predicated on perpetually low interest rates. If you change that equation, the valuations are no longer sustainable. Fast forward a week or two, and what…

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A Warning From Warren Buffett: We’re a Long Way From 1981

By: Justice Clark Litle

Mar 02, 2021 | Investing Strategies

The Berkshire Hathaway annual letter — penned, as always, by CEO Warren Buffett, now 90 years old — came out this past weekend. If you haven’t read it yet, you can do so here. Reading the Berkshire letter, and hunting for easter eggs of Buffett bon mots and insights, has become a kind of annual tradition for much of the…

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Crash Risk Rising: Here’s What Could Cause a ‘Market Structure’ Meltdown Event

By: Justice Clark Litle

Feb 26, 2021 | Investing Strategies

The sell-off at the long end of the U.S. bond market is turning into a global bond market rout. Yields are rising in countries around the world; in places where nominal long-end yields were negative, like Germany and Japan, they are flipping positive. To put it more simply, as U.S. Treasury 10-year notes and 30-year bonds plummet in value, their…

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Inflation Alarmists are Panicking Far Too Early

By: Justice Clark Litle

Feb 25, 2021 | Investing Strategies

Investors are starting to worry about inflation. Some are even sounding alarms of potential hyperinflation, throwing around references to Weimar Germany and Zimbabwe. This is quite a shift in stance. For quite a long time, Wall Street behaved as if inflation had been banished forever. Now there are fears, implied if not spoken aloud, that inflation is just around the…

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A Big Reason to be Wary of Big Tech

By: Justice Clark Litle

Feb 19, 2021 | Investing Strategies

“The only reason to be bearish… is there is no reason to be bearish.” That is the view of Michael Hartnett, Bank of America’s Chief Investment Strategist, as recently expressed in a note to clients. In our view, there are reasons to be bearish. It just depends which assets one is looking at, and the nature of the bear case…

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